1. What happens when you sit still — you get run over.
2. PhD revocation at its best, bravo Germany.
3. What interest me the most are massless particles such as "gluons" that could explain inner workings of stimulated emission of radiation in optical amplification.
4. That will count as a 50 years gap to NASA. And counting still....
21 października 2014
20 października 2014
17 października 2014
Family & Trivia #2
1. The supremacy of “positive psychology” and “positive organizational behavior", together as ”Excessive "positivity" among leaders played an essential role in creating the conditions that led to 2008 economic crises.
2. I question whether any hospital, anywhere, would have performed much better under similar circumstances: the unannounced arrival in its emergency room of the first Ebola case to be diagnosed in the United States.
2. I question whether any hospital, anywhere, would have performed much better under similar circumstances: the unannounced arrival in its emergency room of the first Ebola case to be diagnosed in the United States.
16 października 2014
03 października 2014
Hog Kong i Chiny
Polecam materiał Charliego Rose'a, który pozwoli odpowiednio sporzeć na kwestię konfliktu, który ma miejsce w Hong Kongu oraz na same Chiny.Kliknij tutaj.
02 października 2014
01 października 2014
Please Mr. Cook

Now, I see all over the World, all kinds of beautiful devices made, more so that what Apple produces, despite, Apple does Not produces them, Chinese factories do, well sort off, and because they do its a loosing proposition long term anyway. Even what's inside every Apple device comes from the map starting at Shirakawa, Prefektura Fukushima, Japan, and Tokyo factories, down to South Korean's Suwon City, further down to Taiwan's Hsinchu City, and finally Chinese mainland ... West of Hong Kong vicinity.
Mr. Tim Cook, license your software everywhere possible, the market paradise did shift, adopt. Still, Googles "Android" is a wishful thinking, there is still time to act.
You can triple the value of Apple stock in the next 5 years if you act.
NOW: I am looking for a large phone, but not a tablet, that has screen size close to 6.5 inch, but not less, and no more, but here is the catch, that includes IOS 8.08. I am willing to pay handsomely. Please respond instantly at "Death to Apple Hardware.com" for immediate purchasing accommodations.
Again, Mr.Cook, I am positive that cause' your stubbornness I foresee the value of Apple stock plunging further down the spiral of negativity.
I beg you, ACT NOW.
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